The doorway experience
The words shared in this video Divinely came to me during the beginning of the New Year of 2021. However, despite the year, the words are timeless. It expresses how life is a doorway filled with endless possibilities. With each door of opportunity that is made available to you, you will always have a split moment in time, the NOW, where you are in the doorway. As you move within that doorway, it is a passageway to your next possibility.
How will you live in that moment? What will you experience?
“2021 was a year within the Golden Age, the time of planetary spiritual awakening. Covid swept through the nation, further shifting humanity as we once knew it. As the outside world drastically changed we were forced to look within.”
Listen/watch above or Read video verbiage below:
“As you begin 2021 and stand in the doorway of your life, you may be looking back and reflecting on 2020 or you may be looking forward to plan for 2021. Take a second to be in the moment, be in the now, and recognize that where you are, is exactly where you need to be. When you look around, your eyes may tell you that you are confined or stuck in the space that you are in. Like a narrow doorway you may even feel like you have no choice. Or that you have to do certain things in life. Or you're supposed to do certain things in life. Or maybe you are trapped by your beliefs, your conditioning, limitations that you've held, from birth. But when you truly come into the current moment, you no longer look behind you, or ahead of you. You no longer are distracted by “his” story or “her” story. Your attention is now on YOUR story. You come to a place of inner knowing. Knowing that whatever movement you make, or action you take, in the present moment, it will be supported by universe! Your eyes will no longer dictate your truth, as you will no longer seek outside yourself. Like a dancer you know follow the rhythm from within. You connect to your true divine self and know that when you move from your inner rhythm there is no missteps as each step is guided and it reflects your truth. You begin to transform the space as the beautiful cocreator you are, that exists within you. KNOW that it is only in the present moment that you can create your past and manifest your future. BE in the present moment and know that you are FREE. Allow your spirit to move you. FLOW and be in a moment. Transform your space. You will begin to realize that the space you are in is no longer a doorway, but a passageway on your journey. Allow the energies from the earth below you to flow up and through you. Let it flow up to the heavens, back into your heart space. And know that the earth beneath you and the heavens above you WILL manifest before you, because you are the bridge. You are the bridge for the above and the below. You are the Co-creator. So for 2021, be in the present moment and create. KNOW who you are! REMEMBER who you are. And live your truth!”
Ah-hav -ah- schlay -mah (the perfect love)
If you are questioning:
How can I be in the present moment?
How do I remember who I AM?
How do I live my truth?
Then you are experiencing the awakening effects of the Golden Age. You have been guided here for SOUL-utions! Learn more about receiving your personalized 1:1 Sessions by scheduling your “FREE” Soul 2 Soul Conversation with me. Click Below!
May you be filled with the love and the light of Infinite Intelligence, STAY SAKRED!